Membership Categories
Where do you fit in...?

We have six membership categories at Broadstairs SC, all of which offer fantastic value:
Click for Single membership information Single
Click for Joint membership informationClick for Joint membership information Joint
Click for Single Parent membership informationClick for Single Parent membership informationClick for Single Parent membership information Single Parent
Click for Family membership informationClick for Family membership informationClick for Family membership informationClick for Family membership information Family
Click for Junior membership information Junior
Click for Student membership information Student
Click on any of the categories above to get a description of the who is eligible for that type of membership and the club privileges that go along with it.

We even have instructions on how to apply!



Single Membership is the base club membership. A Single member is an individual over 18.
A Single member is entitled to one vote at General Meetings, can rent a space in the boat park, use the clubhouse bar, lounge and changing areas, hold elective office or be part of a committee.
A Single Membership for 2006 is £74.

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Joint Membership is for couples.
A couple is defined as a married couple, or a couple living together like a married couple. Each Joint member has the same voting and facilities usage as a Single member.
A Joint Membership for 2006 is £105.

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Single Parent

Single Parent Membership is equivalent to a Single membership in terms of voting and use of club facilities but has the advantage of including Junior memberships for your children up to the age of 18.
As the included children get to 18 years of age, seperate memberships will be required.
A Single Parent Membership for 2006 is £86.50.

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Family Membership is a Joint membership with Junior memberships for your children up to the age of 18.
Each Parent has the same voting and facilities usage as a Single member.
As the included children get to 18 years of age, seperate memberships will be required.
A Family Membership for 2006 is £117.50.

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Junior Membership is for individuals under 18 and not covered by a Family or Single Parent membership.
A Junior member is not entitled to vote at General Meetings, use the clubhouse bar area, hold elective office or be part of a committee.
A Junior member may rent a space in the boat park, use the clubhouse lounge and changing areas.
A Junior Membership for 2006 is £32.50.

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Student Membership is a special membership class for individuals over 18 and in full time education. Juniors turning 18 and still in school should make a written application to the Executive Committee for Student membership.
A Student member is not entitled to vote at General Meetings, but can rent a space in the boat park, use the clubhouse bar, lounge and changing areas.
A Student Membership for 2006 is £32.50.

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Submitting an Application

Membership Forms can be obtained from the clubhouse bar or printed from the link below.

Membership Form is available here

Applicants should fill out a membership application form and send it, along with a cheque for the relevant fees, to the club or hand it in over the bar in an envelope marked "ATTN: Membership Secretary".

Applicants should have a "Proposer" and a "Seconder" both of which should be full adult members (i.e. not Students or Juniors). Submitted applications are put on the Club Notice Board for a period of up to 31 days (until the next scheduled meeting of the Executive Committee), during which time, any objections can be made by the general membership (though this is a rare occurence!).

Any objections received in writing will be discussed and the application voted on at the Committee Meeting. A majority vote in favour, and the applicant will be instated as a member of the club in the applicable category.

In the event that an applicant is new to the area, doesn't know any other members and hence has no one to propose or second them, a meeting will be set up for the applicant to meet members of the Executive Committee at the clubhouse for a "get to know you" chat and a drink.

For the first year of membership only, a joining fee is to be paid in addition to the relevant subscription for the class of membership. Junior and Student members are exempt from paying a joining fee1.

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1The Joining Fee for Students and Juniors becomes payable when they achieve full membership.